We are a GPO / SPA Contractor!
After years of producing many projects for a wide variety of Government agencies,
we noticed that an invoice for a RUSH job we did for the EPA was not getting
paid... when we inquired about the invoice, we found out that we were supposed
to be registered with the GPO's SPA program (simplified
purchase agreement) The helpful people down at the
GPO very kindly walked us through the process, and...
Now We Are Official!!!!!
As we understand it, the SPA program allows you (the Govt. agency) to bypass a
lot of the purchasing "red tape" in order to get jobs done quickly and efficiently by
your favorite vendors... something we hope to become!!! If you are not sure how
this works, ask someone in a supervisory role with your agency who the SPA
purchasing agent is in your group... they will typically be authorized to make
purchases up to $2,500, and sometimes up to $10,000. Graphic4Events accepts
all major credit cards
Purchases for exhibit hardware
(displays, banner stands, etc.), are
frequently purchased separately from
the graphics... allowing each one
(hardware and graphics) to separately
stay within the $2,500 limit
Call us if you have any
questions, and we will lie and
stall until we can get hold of
someone at the SPA offices who
can answer the question for us :o)
571-789-7460 (24/7)
Graphics for Events
Big and Small